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The Wounded Healer in Wonderland - Gail Foster's attitude of hope, love and humour.

Gail Foster is a Tasmanian writer whose creative spirit has led to a series of self-published works inspired by her faith in God while dealing with difficult circumstances, and her love for nature. Gail sheds light and humour on difficult topics such as dealing with conflict in the workplace and personal life -providing practical suggestions for 'loving thy neighbour' based upon experience. She is a 'wounded healer' who shares her insight to help others, from a background in social work, mental health, life coaching and teaching.

I love pottering round my suburban garden, whispering encouragement to plants as I aim the hose, discovering new 'vegie babies' and staying one step ahead of the wildlife. I have exchanged the role of mental health social worker for that of writer and gardener.

Having an answer to the tedious ‘what do you do?’ question is one of many positives of the writing life. I write because I love writing and combine it with maintaining an urban paradise in order to balance the budget. As I have managed to carve out a niche in life to provide time, energy and space to write, I am sometimes the recipient of envy and snide remarks. The dirty fingernails from garden grubbing, a preference for free camp sites or the artistic patches sewn on many clothes are not noticed.

My family refer to me as Her Right Royal Green Thumbs (HRRGT) when I am grubbing potatoes, the Head Gardener when directing the under-gardener, the matriarch when overseeing a family function or the Matron when managing a crisis. My home has lots of books and an untidy garden for my four grand-daughters to enjoy.

My first book, ‘Six Months in Wonderland’ was written after a domestic crisis, the second, The Question Space – Tools to aid recovery from workplace and other bullying, as a result of workplace bullying.

For me, it is a Christian joy and duty to turn personal adversities into encouragement for others. I am called as a Christian to be as salt and light to the world, salt to preserve what is good and light to shine a better way. I am a wounded healer.

‘The wounded healer will come to understand that trauma experienced by some members of society will in some way be experienced by all. If a part of our body is in pain, our whole body suffers. Excising the part of the body or ignoring the causes and effects of trauma within our society will only temporarily hide that which is broken. The knowledge of the loss and its effects is the burden of and vocation of the healer.’ (The Question Space – Tools to aid Recovery from Workplace and other bullying, page 86.)

I love to use humour and beauty to inspire and encourage. Learning through laughter is my aim.

‘Humour and playfulness allow the brain to relax and encourage paradoxical and creative thinking. With more solution options, we become better thinkers and learners. We observe more, notice the humorous, strengthen our ability to cope during tough times, attract friends and grow in confidence.’ (The Question Space, p93.)

My third book, The Victory Garden was written after a number of readers asked, ‘What happened next?’ It also shows victory over adverse conditions in the suburbs.

My latest challenge is 'how not to be a possum supermarket'. I am working on my fifth book, The Possum Chronicles, it is a sequel to The Victory Garden and is nearing completion. When life gives you lemons make marmalade.

Hints and Tips from The Victory Garden – Frugality with Flair is for you if there’s too much week and not enough money.

‘I value generosity. A yearning to give to family, friends and community combined with a small income results in unique gifts. A garden, the natural world, the tip shop, offer a cornucopia of creativity. Home-made preserves, pot pourri and artistically packaged biscuits, a bunch of flowers or potted plant, chicken soup for an ailing friend, gift cards and carry bags make satisfying work and need little money. I have found however, that the process can be seriously addictive!’

(Hints and Tips from the Victory Garden, Forward)

I aim to inspire and encourage using humour and creativity. I also play violin in a community orchestra, dabble in art and have a reading addiction.

Gail Foster

Author of:

  • Six Months in Wonderland

  • The Question Space - Tools to aid Recovery from Workplace and other Bullying

  • The Victory Garden – A sequel to Six Months in Wonderland - ebook

  • Hints and Tips from The Victory Garden – Frugality with flair - ebook

"Wonderland is a place and also an attitude - an attitude of hope, love and humour."

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